Typically based on resource estimates, sweet-spotting aims to identify drilling targets for potential optimum production. BitCan takes one step further, i.e., by identifying recoverability of the resource-based sweet spots via hydraulic fracturing (HF) stimulations. An area of rich organic content may not be recovered economically if HF stimulation of the area is not efficient. Therefore, our integrated sweet-spotting not only considers the inherent geology, but also accounts for proactive development strategies.Within BitCan’s sweet-spotting technology, attention is always given to proper characterization of natural fractures (NF) on cores and image logs. The location and density of these occurrences are used to constrain paleo-stress re-construction to predict regional distribution of NF density. Seismic interpretations are also used for correlation purposes.
BitCan has also established a novel rock fracability measurement to quantity its lithology and/or stress-dependence. By combining the above field and laboratory results, our simulation division can generate maps of the stimulated reservoir volume and how it will develop under various stimulation scenarios, delivering a multi-stage HF design, such as stage placement, HF pumping schedules and coordination between the stages.
Our mobile geomechanics lab can be used to extract real-time well profile of fracability information from cuttings, which is further supported by MWD’s, DFITs and other formation tests. As a result, multi-staged HF jobs can be adjusted real-time.