Global Vision

2017 President’s Message

Dr. Yanguang Yuan, “YY”, P.Eng., P.Geol., Principal of BitCan. Share his vision

BitCan advocates proactive use of geomechanics to improve reservoir production and safeguard reservoir containment integrity. Nowadays, oil/gas production requires attention to not only fluid phase, but also deformation and fracturing behaviour of the rock matrix. BitCan has innovative technologies to create maximum reservoir stimulation volume and also to create it at target time, space and/or orientation. This creates the pathway for the reservoir fluid to be produced and/or for the stimulating materials to be placed inside the reservoir, contacting the hydrocarbon. In promoting the reservoir deformation and fracturing to our benefits, BitCan also provides a total solution system for designing the maximum injection pressure so that the caprock/casing/fault integrity is not compromised.

Global Reach

BitCan is proud of our global reach, and we are pleased to have had the opportunity to work in some of the most exciting areas around the world. The map below details our global footprint listing all offices and projects.