Advances in Thermal Heavy Oil Production
via Application of Reservoir Geomechanics


This one-day course is designed to teach about how geomechanics can and should be used
proactively to increase the thermal heavy oil production, reduce the cost and meanwhile to
protect the reservoir containment. Theoretical principles are explained using actual field
examples. Ample case histories, both in-field and in-house, will be drawn for the classroom

Topics Include

The following topics will be presented and discussed in details during the course:

(1) Fundamentals of thermal heavy oil production.

(2) Case histories of using geomechanics to increase reservoir production and to
design for the geo-containment integrity.

(3) Fundamentals: stress, strain, rock failure, thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling
mechanism and their impact on the rock deformation and failure.

(4) Major work components in a geomechanical work program.

(5) Characterization of the original in-situ stresses; mini-frac tests as the most
reliable method to measure the in-situ stresses and their QC/QA measures.

(6) Characterization of geomechanical properties and thermo-hydro-mechanical
coupling parameters. Geomechanical triaxial tests and their QC/QA measures.

(7) Simulation of nonlinear coupled rock deformation and failure process. Design of
hydraulic fracturing stimulation via full geomechanical simulations. Design of
maximum operating pressure to protect the geo-containment integrity. QC/QA.

Learning Level

This course can be tailored to any levels.

Course Length

Three days or can be tailored to what clients desire.

Who Should Attend

Technologists, engineers, geologists, technical managers and R&D departments in operators and government agencies involved in the heavy oil production.

Special Requirements


About Instructor

img_6274-500x333Dr. Yanguang Yuan holds dual professional registrations (P.Eng. and P.Geol.) in Alberta, Canada. After earning his B.Sc. in Geology and M.Sc. in Tectonophysics in China, Dr. Yuan went to University of Oklahoma, USA in 1993. After finishing his Ph.D. in Geological Engineering (with a minor in Petroleum Engineering) in 1996, Dr. Yuan relocated to Canada, working in Imperial Oil Resources Ltd. In 2000, Dr. Yuan founded BitCan and over the years, has grown it into one of the few integrated independent petroleum geomechanics firms in the world.

BitCan possesses unique patented reservoir production technologies and provides associated niche technical services, including for the heavy oil production. Since 2000, BitCan has served oil/gas industry around world, and our client list includes almost all heavy oil operators in Canada and many international companies as well. BitCan provides laboratory tests, field tests, simulations as well as data management and inversion all of which are housed under the same roof at our Calgary headquarter in Canada. These integrated scope of works is executed by the same elite group of engineers and geologists many of them can work in the field, run simulations and design lab tests at the same time. Therefore, BitCan is a truly integrated entity. This background and experience will help this course tremendously.

Dr. Yuan travels around the world, presenting to the industry on geomechanics. In 2000, he authored a 700-page course text on geomechanics and taught a 2-week course. This course text has been continuously enriched ever since. His resume is attached for your further reference.

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