Total Solution to Caprock/Casing/Fault Seal Integrity

Geological containment has significant economic, social, and environmental impacts. Each subsurface rock formation has intrinsic values. Caprock or underburden intervals that contain petroleum fluids in place are as important as the reservoir itself. Any subsurface operations must ensure that the caprock/underburden stays intact so that in-situ or manually-injected materials stay within the target intervals and do not leak away.  Our truly integrated nature enables BitCan to offer a complete solution package to geo-containment issues. Clients can out-source all their containment needs to us from characterization, MOP design, regulatory application, ongoing monitoring, and prognosis on the caprock integrity health.

The first step in realizing the development of a project is to map the in-situ stress conditions through BitCan’s Mini-Frac/DFIT testing technology. Once the stress condition is established, material properties of both the caprock and reservoir can be measured by our coring and laboratory services and more importantly, a continuous depth profile and regional distribution of mechanical properties are calculated using BitCan’s MPP tool.

Using this information as input, we are able to model the complex nonlinear coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical processes which occur in the caprock. Putting all of this information together, we can deliver an optimized maximum operating pressure (MOP). Via our monitoring services and inversion of monitoring data, BitCan offers continuous diagnosis and prognosis of the reservoir and caprock throughout its life.

This “Total Solution to Caprock/Casing/Fault Seal Integrity has been applied in some capacity to over 800 projects in Canada and around the globe. By offering all these services under a single roof, BitCan has eliminated, for our clients, the need to coordinate and liaison between multiple vendors, saving both time and money. Our experience has propelled us to a position of trust and respect from both the industry and government regulators.

BitCan’s total solution program to containment integrity. It gathers field data, including accurate pre-project characterization and in-project monitoring, carries out continuous diagnosis and prognosis on the caprock performance, including pre-project MOP design, and always works together with clients for the field operation.