Field and Technical Services
With our integrated field, lab and simulation capabilities, BitCan can assist you with either routine or specific technical services. Our integrated nature is best reflected in the diverse spectrum of tasks our staff is qualified to complete. Many of our technical experts can execute field tests and meanwhile, can come back to offices, designing and/ or hands-working on complex laboratory tests and simulations. In this way we can ensure the work flow and results, from retrieving cores in the field to simulations, are of high quality and confidence. Thus, we offer turn-key solutions to your needs from design to site execution and completions. All of this translates to excellent quality control and assurance ultimately resulting in stakeholder confidence. The following is a list of technical services provided onsite or in house.
(1) Our Custom Engineered Mini-frac/DFIT Systems are designed to efficiently and accurately measure the in-situ stress condition and reservoir engineering properties.
(2) We offer On-site Shale Core Sample Preservation & Transport, ensuring quality control of materials selected for laboratory testing.
(3) BitCan provides On-site Characterization of Natural Fractures on cores and correlation to image logs.
(4) Geomechanical Testing utilizing the latest in triaxial and shear-box tests
(5) Nonlinear coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical simulations