SAGD has become a major thermal recovery technique from oilsands and heavy oil reservoirs. Conventionally, to produce the first barrel of oil, the SAGD wells have to undergo a steam circulation period for 3 to 6 months and sometimes up to one year in low-grade reservoirs. This long period of non-production has wasted significant amount of steam, added significant stress to waste water treatment, tied up capital and slowed down recovery of prior capital investment. To help overcome these problems, BitCan has developed the FUSE™ technology. It can start SAGD production in 2 weeks to a month and at a significantly higher oil rate. It can break down shale stringers or other mobility barriers near the SAGD wells and thus, increase the ultimate reservoir recovery.
No special SAGD well drilling and completion measures are needed and the conventional measures suffice. FUSE™ was successfully field-tested in 2010 in its very first trial thanks to collaboration with a major oilsands operator in Canada. It is now employed at commercial scales on tens of SAGD wells in Canada and internationally.