In-situ Stress Engineering

In-situ stresses impact all phases of reservoir development and production. Being able to manipulate and use these stresses advantageously, through “In-situ Stress Engineering”, has made BitCan a valuable asset to our clients. Through proper planning and foresight with our clients “In-situ Stress Engineering” has enabled us to design whole field reservoir development that exhibits maximum efficiency.

Lowering fracture initiation pressures and overcoming near-wellbore geological inhomogeneities are both achievable through understanding of the in-situ stress field and the subsequent use of “In-situ Stress Engineering”. It can also be used to maximize reservoir contact area by optimizing the stimulated reservoir volume (SRV). By controlling the time, location, and direction of the SRV development, we can further improve reservoir recovery. Infill drilling, flooding and re-fracturing can all increase the recovery factor while simultaneously reducing cost and waste emission, when appropriately coupled with BitCan’s “In-situ Reservoir Engineering”.