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June 2016 | Probabilistic Analysis on the Caprock Integrity during SAGD Operations | Caprock Integrity | |
June 2016 | Steam Circulation Strategies for SAGD wells after Geomechanical Dilation Start-up | Steam Circulation | Download |
April 2014 | Estimation of Fracture Stiffness, In Situ Stresses, and Elastic Parameters of Naturally Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs | Enhanced geothermal systems; Fracture stiffness; In situ stresses; Elastic parameters; Borehole displacements; Artificial neural network (ANN)–genetic algorithm (GA) model | Download |
June 2013 | Impact of Thermal Pore Pressure on the Caprock Integrity during the SAGD Operation | Caprock Integrity | Download |
June 2013 | Consideration of Geomechanics for In-situ Bitumen Recovery in Xinjiang, China | In-Situ Bitumen | |
October 2013 | High pressure stimulation - impact of hydraulic fracture geometry to unconventional gas appraisal and development in compressional settings | Hydralic Fractures | |
December 2011 | Geomechanics for the thermal stimulation of heavy oil reservoirs | Thermal Stimulation | Download |
November 2011 | Design of Caprock Integrity in Thermal Stimulation of Shallow Oil Sands Reservoirs
| Caprock Integrity | Download |
November 2011 | Fracturing in the Oil-Sands Reservoirs | Fracturing | Download |
June 2010 | Modelling of the Hydraulic Fractures in Unconsolidated Oil Sands | Hydraulic Fractures | Download |
May 2008 | Well injection tests and geomechanical history-matching for in-situ oil sands development | Well injection, in-situ oil sands | |
January 2008 | Effect of Sand Production on Casing Integrity | | Download |
January 1993 | Fracture Nucleation from a Compression-parallel, Finite-width Elliptical Flaw | | Download |
February 1992 | Tensile fracture from circular cavities loaded in compression | | Download |
May 1990 | Analysis of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake process | | Download |
May 1989 | Numerical modeling of ground deformation and source mechanism related to co-seismic change in gravitational potential | | Download |
November 1989 | Three-Dimensional Modeling of The Driving Mechanism of The 1976 TangShan Earthquake In China | | Download |