Recent Publications by BitCan

June 2016Probabilistic Analysis on the Caprock Integrity during SAGD OperationsCaprock Integrity
June 2016Steam Circulation Strategies for SAGD wells after Geomechanical Dilation Start-upSteam CirculationDownload
April 2014Estimation of Fracture Stiffness, In Situ Stresses, and Elastic Parameters of Naturally Fractured Geothermal ReservoirsEnhanced geothermal systems; Fracture stiffness; In situ stresses; Elastic parameters; Borehole displacements; Artificial neural network (ANN)–genetic algorithm (GA) modelDownload
June 2013Impact of Thermal Pore Pressure on the Caprock Integrity during the SAGD OperationCaprock IntegrityDownload
June 2013Consideration of Geomechanics for In-situ Bitumen Recovery in Xinjiang, ChinaIn-Situ Bitumen
October 2013High pressure stimulation - impact of hydraulic fracture geometry to unconventional gas appraisal and development in compressional settingsHydralic Fractures
December 2011Geomechanics for the thermal stimulation of heavy oil reservoirsThermal StimulationDownload
November 2011Design of Caprock Integrity in Thermal Stimulation of Shallow Oil Sands Reservoirs

Caprock IntegrityDownload
November 2011Fracturing in the Oil-Sands ReservoirsFracturingDownload
June 2010Modelling of the Hydraulic Fractures in Unconsolidated Oil SandsHydraulic FracturesDownload
May 2008Well injection tests and geomechanical history-matching for in-situ oil sands developmentWell injection, in-situ oil sands
January 2008Effect of Sand Production on Casing IntegrityDownload
January 1993 Fracture Nucleation from a Compression-parallel, Finite-width Elliptical FlawDownload
February 1992Tensile fracture from circular cavities loaded in compressionDownload
May 1990Analysis of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake processDownload
May 1989 Numerical modeling of ground deformation and source mechanism related to co-seismic change in gravitational potentialDownload
November 1989Three-Dimensional Modeling of The Driving Mechanism of The 1976 TangShan Earthquake In ChinaDownload